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Sunday, 30 December 2018 14:58

A contribution to the knowledge of epiphyllous bryophytes of Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea), including additional remarks on non-epiphyllous species – PÓCS, Tamás – MÜLLER, Frank

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A collection of epiphyllous bryophytes from Bioko Island was investigated. It contained 57 epiphyllous bryophytes, comprising 55 hepatics and two mosses. Three taxa, Cololejeunea eustacei Po´ cs, Colura calderae Po´ cs and Lejeunea halei Robinson subsp. africana Po´ cs, are new to science. Cololejeunea papilliloba Steph. is new to Africa, five species of hepatics are new to West Africa, and an additional 31 species of hepatics are newly reported from Bioko Island. The second part of the paper deals with records of non-epiphyllous collections. Fourteen species are reported for the first time for Bioko Island. Actinodontium dusenii Broth. is made a synonym of Actinodontium streptopogoneum Broth. The following new combination is proposed: Wijkia rigidicaule (Mu¨ ll.Hal. ex Broth.) Frank Mu¨ ll., comb. nov. (Basionym: Acanthocladium rigidicaule Mu¨ ll.Hal. ex Broth.).


Additional Info

  • AHU MATT sorszám / AHU MATT number: 00003284
  • Szerző neve / Name of the Author: PÓCS, Tamás – MÜLLER, Frank
  • Cím / Title of the work: A contribution to the knowledge of epiphyllous bryophytes of Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea), including additional remarks on non-epiphyllous species
  • Típus / Type: tanulmány/study
  • Jellege / Character: publikált/published
  • Nyelv / Language: angol
  • Elkészülés időpontja / Date of preparation: 2007
  • Első kiadás dátuma / Date of the first edition: 2007
  • Kiadás helye / Place of the edition: London
  • Kiadó / Publishing house: Journal of Bryology ( folyóirat / journal )
  • ISBN / ISSN: UK ISSN 0373-6687
  • Újraközlés helye / Place of the new edition: Érd
  • Újraközlés időpontja / Date of the new edition: 2018
  • Újraközlés készítői / Editors of the new edition: B. WALLNER, Erika és/and BIERNACZKY, Szilárd
  • Hivatkozás e dokumentumra / Cite this document: PÓCS, Tamás – MÜLLER, Frank: A contribution to the knowledge of epiphyllous bryophytes of Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea), including additional remarks on non-epiphyllous species, AHU MATT, 2018, pp. 1–16. old., No. 000.003.284, http://afrikatudastar.hu
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