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Sunday, 30 December 2018 14:41

East African Bryophytes XXIX. The Ceratolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) Species of the Indian Ocean Islands – PÓCS, Tamás

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To date, five species of Ceratolejeunea are known from the East African Islands: C. belangeriana and C. calabariensis from a number of localities, C. variabilis from three, and C. papulifl ora and C. umbonata from single stations. This paper newly establishes the synonymy of C. calabariensis with the Neotropical C. cornuta and of C. stictophylla with C. papuliflora, and reports several additional localities of the latter species. Ceratolejeunea diversicornua, previously known from West Africa only, is reported from Madagascar, and C. andringitrae and C. saroltae are described as new to science. A key to the species of Ceratolejeunea from the Indian Ocean Islands is provided. The taxonomic position of C. boschiana remains uncertain.

Additional Info

  • AHU MATT sorszám / AHU MATT number: 000003280
  • Szerző neve / Name of the Author: PÓCS, Tamás
  • Cím / Title of the work: East African Bryophytes XXIX. The Ceratolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) Species of the Indian Ocean Islands
  • Típus / Type: tanulmány/study
  • Jellege / Character: publikált/published
  • Nyelv / Language: angol
  • Elkészülés időpontja / Date of preparation: 2011
  • Első kiadás dátuma / Date of the first edition: 2011
  • Kiadás helye / Place of the edition: Krakkó
  • Kiadó / Publishing house: Polish Botanical Journal (folyóirat / journal )
  • ISBN / ISSN: PL ISSN 1641-6190
  • Újraközlés helye / Place of the new edition: Érd
  • Újraközlés időpontja / Date of the new edition: 2018
  • Újraközlés készítői / Editors of the new edition: B. WALLNER, Erika és/and BIERNACZKY, Szilárd
  • Hivatkozás e dokumentumra / Cite this document: PÓCS, Tamás: East African Bryophytes XXIX. The Ceratolejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) Species of the Indian Ocean Islands, AHU MATT, 2018, pp. 1–26. old., No. 000.003.280, http://afrikatudastar.hu
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