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Sunday, 30 December 2018 14:28

A New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from the Nguru Mountains (Tanzania) – PÓCS, Tamás

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Impatiens nguruensis Pócs is described from the Nguru Mountains, part of the Precambrian chain of isolated crystalline mountains forming the Eastern Arc of Tanzania. It differs from the related Impatiens ukaguruensis Grey-Wilson by its deeper crenulate leaf margin with only 10–15 teeth at each side (around 20 in I. ukaguruensis), by the narrower dorsal petal with straight lower margin and by the much less incurved spur of the lower petal. It is the second known endemic species of Impatiens in the Nguru Mts.

Additional Info

  • AHU MATT sorszám / AHU MATT number: 000003276
  • Szerző neve / Name of the Author: PÓCS, Tamás
  • Cím / Title of the work: A New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from the Nguru Mountains (Tanzania)
  • Típus / Type: tanulmány/study
  • Jellege / Character: publikált/published
  • Nyelv / Language: angol
  • Elkészülés időpontja / Date of preparation: 2007
  • Első kiadás dátuma / Date of the first edition: 2007
  • Kiadás helye / Place of the edition: Budapest
  • Kiadó / Publishing house: Acta Botanica Hungarica (folyóirat / journal )
  • ISBN / ISSN: HU ISSN 0236-6495
  • Újraközlés helye / Place of the new edition: Érd
  • Újraközlés időpontja / Date of the new edition: 2018
  • Újraközlés készítői / Editors of the new edition: B. WALLNER, Erika és/and BIERNACZKY, Szilárd
  • Hivatkozás e dokumentumra / Cite this document: PÓCS, Tamás: A New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from the Nguru Mountains (Tanzania), AHU MATT, 2018, pp. 1–9. old., No. 000.003.276, http://afrikatudastar.hu
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