A Bibliography of Alexander Fodor’s Publications (1969-2015) ............. xiii
Francesca M. Corrao (Rome): Some Observations on Humour in Islamic Culture ……………………………………………………………………...1
Kinga Dévényi (Budapest): Manuscripts of Enʿām-i Şerīf in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ……...................................................... 9
Ida Fröhlich (Piliscsaba): “Because He Loves Her …”: The Figure of the Demon in the Book of Tobit …..................................................................... 25
Antonella Ghersetti (Venise): Des lièvres et des djinns : notice sur une amulette préislamique dans les sources arabes .......................................... 37
Aḥmad Ḥasan (Asyut): Dirāsa naqdiyya li-aqwāl Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya (d. ca. 185/801) fī t-turāṯ al-islāmī ................................................................... 51
Tamás Iványi (Budapest): On Circumambulation in Chellah and Elsewhere:
Popular Traditions, Legal Prohibitions ...................................................... 65
Alan Jones (Oxford): So That You May Be Reminded ................................ 99
István Ormos (Budapest): Between Stage Décor and Reality: The Cairo Street at the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 at Chicago ............. 115
Anne Regourd (Copenhague, Paris): al-Mandal as-sulaymānī appliqué : une
section interpolée dans le ms. Sanaa 2774 ? ............................................ 135
Gabriel M. Rosenbaum (Jerusalem): Shabbat (Saturday) in Modern Egypt: Customs and Their Reflection in Spoken Judeo-Arabic ............................ 153
Avihai Shivtiel (Cambridge): On a Known – Unknown Strophic Poem from the Cairo Genizah: An Authentic or a Plagiarized Version? .................... 167
Dóra Zsom (Budapest): Another Arabic Version of Sefer ha-Razim and Ḥarba de-Moše: A New Sifr Ādam Manuscript ........................................ 179
List of Contributors ................................................................................... 203
Volumes of The Arabist published so far .................................................. 207