Humanitárius és emberi jogi jogsértések, valamint a menekültek helyzete Afrika utolsó „gyarmatán” / Humanitarian and human rights violations and the situation of refugees in Africa's last "colony" – HARTAI, István
Utazás Afrikában kerekesszékben – Interjú Nagy Bendegúz Lóránddal / Travel in Afrika in Wheelchair – Interview with Bendegúz Lóránd Nagy – BIEDERMANN, Zsuzsánna
The Society of the Sahrawians / A szaharávi népek társadalma – BESENYŐ, János
„In this article, a short analysis about the society of Sahrawians (locals of Western-Sahara) is given. I think, that we have to see a global picture when we make a research about any peacekeeping, peace-support or peace-enforcement mission, because without the background of the conflict, we can’t get a correct view.” (The Author)