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Legfrisebb hírek a Globoport.hu-tól (2)


The significance of the NATO/EU and UN missions in the life of Hungarian Defence Forces is well known. Most of the people know that 1000 officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers can serve abroad at the same time. There is a training centre in Szolnok, where applicants can prepare for international service, yet, there still can be noticed some deficiencies as far as training is concerned. Although there is a huge number of experienced people from various missions, there are not enough manuals or pieces of information based on the experience about Africa.

In this article, the author shares some information about the UN mission in Mozambique where 23 Hungarian Army officers and 20 police officers served under the UN flag as peacekeepers. The UN Mission in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) was one of the most successful second generation peacekeeping efforts in the ’90s.

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