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Legfrisebb hírek a Globoport.hu-tól (2)

  • Megnyílt Abu Dhabi ősi meséinek múzeuma

    Globoport Jul 3, 2024 | 14:30 pm

    2024 áprilisában Abu Dhabiban megnyílt az új múzeum, amely az arab kalligráfia történetének szentelt. A Louvre Abu Dhabi nevű múzeum ezen a kiállításon bemutatja az ősi mesék és illusztrált fabulák rendkívüli gyűjteményét. A látogatók egy egyedülálló időutazásra indulhatnak, ahol több[…]

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Művek / Works

Művek / Works (3224)




Cheilolejeunea ulugurica Malombe, Eb.Fisch. & Pócs is a new species affiliated to subg. Cheilolejeunea. One of its closest relatives seems to be Cheilolejeunea chenii from Asia. It is described from the Uluguru Mountains, members of the crystalline Eastern Arc of Tanzania, notorious for its richness in endemic species.

The study of certain Lejeuneaceae types from the Geneva Herbarium (Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genčve, G) resulted in the new synonymy of Drepanolejeunea cambouena Steph. with Drepanolejeunea pentadactyla (Mont.) Steph., that of Lejeunea rodriguezii (Steph.) Steph. with Lejeunea anisophylla Mont. and proved the independent identity of Lejeunea jungneri (Steph.) Steph. Types of some rare species, as Lejeunea angulifolia Mitt. and Lejeunea julacea Steph. were also examined and illustrated. Drepanolejeunea dactylophora (Nees et al.) Schiffn. is new to Africa and L. angulifolia for the Chagos Archipelago and to the Seychelles.



To date, five species of Ceratolejeunea are known from the East African Islands: C. belangeriana and C. calabariensis from a number of localities, C. variabilis from three, and C. papulifl ora and C. umbonata from single stations. This paper newly establishes the synonymy of C. calabariensis with the Neotropical C. cornuta and of C. stictophylla with C. papuliflora, and reports several additional localities of the latter species. Ceratolejeunea diversicornua, previously known from West Africa only, is reported from Madagascar, and C. andringitrae and C. saroltae are described as new to science. A key to the species of Ceratolejeunea from the Indian Ocean Islands is provided. The taxonomic position of C. boschiana remains uncertain.

Impatiens nguruensis Pócs is described from the Nguru Mountains, part of the Precambrian chain of isolated crystalline mountains forming the Eastern Arc of Tanzania. It differs from the related Impatiens ukaguruensis Grey-Wilson by its deeper crenulate leaf margin with only 10–15 teeth at each side (around 20 in I. ukaguruensis), by the narrower dorsal petal with straight lower margin and by the much less incurved spur of the lower petal. It is the second known endemic species of Impatiens in the Nguru Mts.




The authors made the first comprehensive bryological collection on the forest-covered Chyulu Range in south-eastern Kenya. Although these hills are of young volcanic origin and do not belong to the so called “Eastern Arc” mountains, they offer a high diversity of habitats from dry Acacia-Commiphora bushland to montane mist forest and thus a relatively rich bryophyte flora: from the 79 species recently recorded, 13 are new to the flora of Kenya. The new combination Plagiochila kiaeri var. myriocarpa is made.



Telaranea bischleriana sp. nov. is described from the Seychelles and from the eastern coast of Madagascar, distinguished by only two intervening cells between its very dense, rigid, bristle like leaves with two short and quite divergent lobes. Telaranea maorensis sp. nov. from Mayotte Island with monocrurous leaves is similar in appearance to the South American T. pecten (Spruce) Engel et Merr., but differs by its pseudo-dichotomous habit, due to the predominant Frullania type terminal branching, the shorter and wider leaves and lobe cells, monocrurous male and outer female bracts and by its autoecy. New localities of the two African Amazoopsis species are also given.






Telaranea bischleriana décrit des Seychelles et de la côte orientale de Madagascar, se distingue par ses deux cellules interposées entre les feuilles très denses, rigides, à soies raides, courtes, avec lobules bien divergentes. Telaranea maorensis sp. nov. de l’Ile Mayotte ressemble de T. pecten de l’Amérique de Sud, mais different pour sa habit pseudodichotomique par la predominance de ramification terminal de type Frullania, par sa feuilles et cellules de lobes plus courtes, par bractées males et bractées fémelles exterieures monocrurales et par sa autoéci. Localités nouvelles des deux espèces Africaines de Amazoopsis sont aussi données.


Abstract: Bryum laevigatum Hook.f. & Wils., an amphipacifi c south temperate species was previously not known from the African continent. Its occurrence here is restricted to the Afroalpine ericaceous belt between altitudes of 2800 and 3280 m, usually along streamlets or on dripping rocks. Hitherto it was found by the author and by his companions only on the highest mountains of Africa, as on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Kenya, Mt. Elgon and in the Aberdare Mountains. Interestingly it does not occur in southern Africa. Its general distribution covers SE Australia and New Zealand, other southern temperate and subantarctic islands (Marion, Prince Edward, Falkland, Kerguelen, Macquerie), in South America it occurs from southernmost tip (near to the sea level) to SE Brazil and S Uruguay and extends to the tropical Andes (between alt. 3000–4335 m). It does not occur in Indomalesia and in New Guinea.

Description and Biology: A spectacular moss creeping on tree branches. The stems are tail-like, usually little branched and hanging, arched in shape, and about 10cm long and 4mm thick. The leaves are ovate to panduriform, concave, with a short, often channeled apiculus. The capsules are yellow, almost sessile, and hang on branches.

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